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Dobro Jutro coffee brand

Awaken to Bliss:

Embrace Your Perfect Day with Dobro Jutro Coffee.
Project overview
The "My Perfect Day with Dobro Jutro Coffee" project is a captivating set of campaigns targeting middle-aged women, featuring the renowned Serbian actress, Lidija Vukićević, as a symbol of beauty and youth. The campaign's primary aim is to establish a strong connection between the product "Dobro Jutro Coffee" and the delightful, uplifting moments in the lives of its audience.
Dobro Jutro coffee
Photoshop, Lightroom, Premier Pro
Scope of Work
PR, Brand awareness & Influencer Marketing, Video production, Photo campaigns
Project and campaign strategy
The campaign strategy places emphasis on captivating the attention of diverse focus groups. The aim was to resonate with the interests and sensibilities of the target audience while utilizing various approaches in marketing videos.

Humorous approach videos served to infuse a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, while heartwarming campaigns featuring Lidija cherishing beautiful moments with her loved ones established a heartfelt connection between the product and the joyous occasions of everyday life.
First campaign video project
Campaign objectives
The campaign's objective extended beyond elevating the "Good Morning Coffee" product's recognition and sales among middle-aged women. It also sought to foster an emotional bond and a sense of association with the brand, leveraging the positive emotions embodied by the actress, Lidija Vukićević.
Research & market analysis
To ensure the campaign resonated effectively with the target group, different tools were used for market analysis, and research, deep-diving into the needs and desires of middle-aged women on the market. Additionally, the influence of actress Lidija Vukićević on this audience was carefully evaluated, allowing for a more tailored and impactful approach.
Research & market analysis
To ensure the campaign resonated effectively with the target group, different tools were used for market analysis, and research, deep-diving into the needs and desires of middle-aged women on the market. Additionally, the influence of actress Lidija Vukićević on this audience was carefully evaluated, allowing for a more tailored and impactful approach.
Second campaign video project
Voice of communication
Given the nature of the campaign involving a celebrity influencer, paramount attention was devoted to maintaining authenticity, consistency, and an overarching tone and voice of communication.

This meticulous approach aimed to provoke a positive perception and build trust within the target group, ultimately strengthening their connection to the product and brand.
Project summary
The "My Perfect Day with Dobro Jutro Coffee" campaign has been carefully monitored and measured to assess its effectiveness in attracting the target group, engaging consumers, and impacting product sales. The results of this project serve as the benchmark for future marketing strategies and campaigns, both for the same product and for other products aimed at a similar audience.
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